Google Assistant Update: New Actions Now Available To Smartphone App Developers

New updates reveal that Google Actions are now available to smartphone application developers. According to reports, Google has created new methods that will assist smartphone application developers to provide new ways for users to do things. The new Actions will allow developers to include applications and other services to the Assistant intelligent agent on the Google Home device.
The tech giant has added new Actions and other updates that include hot word support, purchase history, a new app directory to its Assistant. The company is reported to have said that the new Actions are now available for Google Assistant on iOS and Android devices. The new update from Google follows the company’s announcement six months ago that it is providing opportunities for Google Assistant to developers who are interested in building voice applications for the company’s platform. However, it is reported that the voice-based Actions could only work well on connected speaker and Google Home at the time the announcement was made.
According to new updates, Google revealed during its I/O developer conference that smartphone application developers will now be able to build a user base and develop applications for activities that were previously not suited for a voice-only interface including online shopping for accessories, placing online orders for food and much more.
It is also reported that Google had previously stated that the new Actions would also be available on its Pixel smartphones and the Allo chat application. The company has also reportedly noted that it has about 2 billion Android users. Google has also launched it Assistant for iOS devices.
Furthermore, Google’s Valerie Nygaard confirmed that the new Actions will support transactions that were not previously supported by the Assistant like making online purchases using one’s voice. The new Google Actions will also make it easy for users to relate with apps, by saying out words and requesting the Google Assistant to talk to the application of a user’s choice. However, it is reported that the new actions are not similar to that of Amazon’s Alexa that works only when enabled using voice commands or via a user’s phone.
Other reports state that Google also intends to encourage the development of smartphone applications as it has announced that it plans to reward developers with 20 prizes in the upcoming Google Actions developer competition. It is believed that the company also intends to help users monitor and track their purchases. Google Assistant users can now see and track all their transactions in one history view. In addition, the introduction of new order updates feature now allow Assistant users to receive important updates via applications on Google Assistant.
According to reports, the company has also announced the release of a new Google Assistant developer console specifically designed for collaboration and data on application usage. As already mentioned above, the developer has launched a new hot word support, which users can utilize in triggering non-Home devices with their voice.
Google also released new features in the Assistant SDK which include alarms, and timers. The company has also made a new application directory available for users within Google Assistant. The new directory provides Assitant users with user ratings and categories. Google Assistant now allows users to create shortcuts to applications instead of saying out every word necessary for the Assistant to understand a command, users can now use just the shortcut word that has been used as a replacement.
Categorised in: Mobile App
This post was written by Webpinas Online Solutions