The Impact Of Google’s Mobile-First Indexing On Digital Marketing Strategies.

At the fall of last year, Google announced that it is moving toward Mobile-First Indexing. Indexing is a procedure through which Google gathers information and data about every web page on the internet. Google’s system then stores these data in its catalog, which is used to determine the outcomes of a search made on google’s engine worldwide.
Before the announcement last year, Google is known to utilize desktop web pages as its main source. Although it also includes mobile pages in its index, desktop web pages were accorded more priority. However, the tech company has now moved from prioritizing desktop web pages to using mobile pages as its main source.
The recent change simply means that Google algorithm will now use mobile pages to determine page ranking on its search engine rather than desktop web pages that were previously utilized. While this is good news for websites owners whose sites are responsive both on desktops and mobile devices, it is bad news for others. Websites that utilize several mobile URL’s when displaying web pages or those with contents that do not reflect on the keyword of the page might encounter some issue with Google’s mobile-first indexing approach.
The traffic generation of websites that do not have mobile friendly content will also be affected. Other reports suggest that owners of sites that are desktop-only have nothing to worry about as Google algorithm will still rank such sites based on their performance. But it is argued that the ranking of such websites will be adversely affected by users who mainly utilize their mobile devices to search the internet.
Brands that manage desktop sites that are distinct from their mobile sites will also be affected if more effort and focus is placed on the desktop site. It is advisable to also pay a considerable amount of attention to build such mobile sites. Evaluating and checking the number of contents, quality, keywords and regular update on both site will also make it easier to maintain Google page ranking.
It is believed that google’s decision to adopt mobile-first indexing is prompted by the fact that mobile devices now account for most of the search made globally. It is reported that Google announced in 2015 that most of its searches were coming from mobile devices. The tech company noted that mobile devices account for more searches placed on its search engines in 10 countries that include the United States and Japan.
Although Google did not reveal the exact figures, its decision is said to be based on reasonable grounds. Website owners whose sites are not mobile friendly are advised to consider a redesign for the purpose of making the most out of the new system. Online business owners should consider the mobile first approach while designing or redesigning.
Mobile already dominates the web and so it is important for your digital marketing strategy to also be tilted towards the same direction. It is also important that the ads you create be mobile-friendly. In addition, digital marketers should ensure that the contents and sites they link to theirs are also favored by both desktop and mobile searches.
Categorised in: Marketing, Mobile App
This post was written by Webpinas Online Solutions
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